Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Iran Post 3: Cars and Trucks and...Blue Cows! (click on photos for more detail)

 Traveling in any country is an interesting experience with modes of transport and road systems.
Iran was no exception. Roads were well signed,
often in English.
There were traffic calming devices everywhere. Roads were generally in good shape.
Lane sharing

Leaving Tehran
However, people drive very creatively and make the most of any corners that can be cut. In cities, traffic lights are obeyed, but traffic lanes are totally ignored. Pedestrians are very brave and assertive: they cross when and wherever they can. Shepherds move their herds as needed.
Hamadan: everyone makes accommodations
Sharing the road with pedestrians
Motorcyclists maneuver in the smallest spaces in the cities and are ubiquitous in the rural areas.
Near Ali Sadr Caves
Very few bicyclists. While lane discipline is an oxymoron, people are much more forgiving and indulgent of drivers' needs than in US cities.
Congestion leaving Tehran
You suddenly realise you need to turn left but you are in the far right of four to six lanes (the road is actually only two to three lanes)? No problem....just nudge!

There are police checkpoints all along the major roads checking for speeding, up-to-date insurance, or license. People are very helpful to motorists requesting directional information.
The owner of this business offered us lunch and a bag of apples
We ended up with a flat tire and had several offers of help along the roadside, including being offered apples and lunch!

Trucks of all varieties carry all sorts of goods. We did not see many container trucks until we got further south. These trucks were heading to ports on the Persian Gulf such as Bandar Abbas or Hormuz.
We saw trucks servicing the agricultural sector, building and construction industry, goods transport.
But, best of all were the Blue Cows. These pickups were the vehicle of choice all over the countryside and in towns. Their drivers have a bad reputation for being rude, inconsiderate, unreliable. However, these pickups really were workhorses. Here is a series of sightings.
Leaving Kalaybar

On the way to Tabriz

On the way to Kermanshah
